2015年6月16日 星期二

☆創作小書A組比賽 特優作品 ☆東勢分校,Cathy K.C. Chan 詹可婕

A fish adventure

It’s eight o’clock and I have just finished my dinner. I’m sitting on the sofa talking to my parents about my day at school. We start to play cards, but I can’t keep my eyes open! I’m falling asleep on sofa.
My eyes are clothed, but I feel something touching me. I open my eyes and see hundreds of fish all around me! I start to flout in the room. I look at my hands and they have become fins! “I’m a fish!” I shut.
Next, I saw all the fish swimming out the window, so I followed them. Wow! Outside there was a beautiful blue ocean. “It’s so much fun to be a fish”, I thought. I continued to swim and play with the other fish!
Suddenly, a cute fish with a butter fly bow on her head appeared in front of me. She said her name was “Cathy”. We played together and had pillow fight with the other fish. We were so happy and I didn’t want to be a human again.
One day, Cathy invited me to her house. Her house was so beautiful, just like a palace!
After a lot of planning, Cathy and I started on our adventure! We travelled for many hours, until the ocean got darker and darker. Suddenly, we saw something bright. We quickly swam toward the light. “Oh! It’s just a shell”, I said.
At that moment, I saw something tall right in front of me. “Look! It is a castle.” I shouted. Just then, I saw a lot of monsters all around us. Cathy picked up the shell and used the light to blind the monsters. Next, I saw a shiny key in a monster’s heat. I took out a knife and stabbed it, then I pulled out the key. We quickly swam into the castle.
Finally, I saw the box. When I wanted to open it, a shark swam towards me “AH!” I screamed. Suddenly, I felt someone slapping my face. “Peter, wake up! Peter, wake up!”
It was just a dream!

學生姓名:Cathy K.C. Chan (詹可婕)
指導老師:鄧駿傑 Jay