2015年6月16日 星期二

☆看圖寫作A組比賽 特優作品 ☆斗六分校,Joanna C.F. Jiang 江晨菲

This morning, Bert asks Ernie, “What can I wear? My clothes are all the same! Can we go shopping? “Ernie says “Yes, that will be fun.” Bert brushes his teeth and then they go to the big department store. First, they buy some blue pants for Bert. Next they go to the sneaker store to buy brown and white sneakers. After that, they buy Bert a new sweater. “I like this one!” says Bert. It is orange, blue and green. Finally, they ride the bus home. When they get home Bert looks at his new clothes. They are the same as his old clothes! "I guess there was nothing wrong with my old clothes after all, Ernie!" 

學生姓名:Joanna C.F. Jiang (江晨菲)
指導老師:Sian Eirwen Halloway

☆創作小書A組比賽 特優作品 ☆崇德分校,Jasmine H.C. Kao 高卉蓁

The black Monster

“Ahh… …!”
“There is a monster in my room!”
“It is black and it has two big, shiny eyes!”
“And it runs very fast!!”
“Oh, no, Andy”
“There aren’t any monsters in this world.”
“But … … I saw it ten times!”
“Go to bed, O.K.?”
“All right.”
“Good boy, goodnight, Andy.”
“Goodnight, mom.”
“I need to find that black monster.” Andy said to himself.
“Ahh!” The idea came to his mid.
Tonight, he just lay on his bed holding a flashlight and a net.
As he expected, the monster appeared!
He turned on the flashlight and moved it toward the monster.
Then he used the net to cash it!
“Yeah, I got it!” shouted Andy.
He turned on the light in his room and walked to the monster.
“Hey, it’s not a black monster, it’s a black cat!”
“Mom! Mom!”
“What’s going on, Andy?”
“Mom, you see! It’s that black monster!”
“This black cat?”
“Mom, can we keep it, please.”
“All right.” “Yeah!”
“Lucy is your new name.” said Andy.
“I think you need to take a bath. Mom, can you help me?”
“Of couse!”
“Let’s go Lucy.” said Andy.

學生姓名:Jasmine H.C. Kao (高卉蓁)
指導老師:丁巧苓 Amanda

☆創作小書A組比賽 特優作品 ☆東勢分校,Cathy K.C. Chan 詹可婕

A fish adventure

It’s eight o’clock and I have just finished my dinner. I’m sitting on the sofa talking to my parents about my day at school. We start to play cards, but I can’t keep my eyes open! I’m falling asleep on sofa.
My eyes are clothed, but I feel something touching me. I open my eyes and see hundreds of fish all around me! I start to flout in the room. I look at my hands and they have become fins! “I’m a fish!” I shut.
Next, I saw all the fish swimming out the window, so I followed them. Wow! Outside there was a beautiful blue ocean. “It’s so much fun to be a fish”, I thought. I continued to swim and play with the other fish!
Suddenly, a cute fish with a butter fly bow on her head appeared in front of me. She said her name was “Cathy”. We played together and had pillow fight with the other fish. We were so happy and I didn’t want to be a human again.
One day, Cathy invited me to her house. Her house was so beautiful, just like a palace!
After a lot of planning, Cathy and I started on our adventure! We travelled for many hours, until the ocean got darker and darker. Suddenly, we saw something bright. We quickly swam toward the light. “Oh! It’s just a shell”, I said.
At that moment, I saw something tall right in front of me. “Look! It is a castle.” I shouted. Just then, I saw a lot of monsters all around us. Cathy picked up the shell and used the light to blind the monsters. Next, I saw a shiny key in a monster’s heat. I took out a knife and stabbed it, then I pulled out the key. We quickly swam into the castle.
Finally, I saw the box. When I wanted to open it, a shark swam towards me “AH!” I screamed. Suddenly, I felt someone slapping my face. “Peter, wake up! Peter, wake up!”
It was just a dream!

學生姓名:Cathy K.C. Chan (詹可婕)
指導老師:鄧駿傑 Jay

☆創作小書A組比賽 特優作品 ☆鹽行分校,Chao-Yang Wang 王肇陽

The Last Package of Kuai-Kuai on the Rock

“The best seller of the day is Kuai-Kuai” said the cashier at A-mart.
Kuai-Kuai is the most favorite snack for all ages.
Everybody likes to eat it!
Kuai-Kuai was proud.
However, there were so many kinds of snack on the rack.
There was a package of Kuai-Kuai in the back of rack.
It is too hard to be seen so it has been on the rack for a month.
This package of Kuai-Kuai is sad.
It’s didn’t want to be alone on the rack with other products.
It wanted to be bought by someone.
One day, a cute girl came to A-mart with her mother. It was her birthday. She wanted to buy Kuai-Kuai for her birthday party.
She got all the Kuai-Kuai on the rack. “One, two, three, … … eight. Mom, there only eight of them I need nine” the cute girl said.
“You can buy different crackers.” said Mom.
The girl only liked Kuai-Kuai. She didn’t give up looking for it on the rack.
Finally, she found the last package which was hidden behind other cookies. She was so happy.
They went to the cashier with nine packages of Kuai-Kuai. “Oh. Kuai-Kuai is so popular!” said the cashier.
They went home happily to prepare for the birthday party.
The last package of Kuai-Kuai was with her too!
When they got home, the little girl and her mom prepared the party busily.
It’s the dinner time, all her friends who were invited arrived on time!
It’s party time!
The little girl was very happy. She had a wonderful birthday paty.
The last package of Kuai-Kuai had its dream come true.
It grinned because it made the little girl so happy.

學生姓名:Chao-Yang Wang (王肇陽)
指導老師:蘇畇勻 Stacy


☆創作小書A組比賽 特優作品 ☆東勢分校,Emma Y.H. Chang 張詠涵

A Picnic with my friend

My friend and I were going to have a picnic in the park. I was so excited, so I woke up at 7:00 and prepared cooking, fruits, sandwiches, tea and milk, At 7:40, I just walked to my friend, Eileen’s house and waited for other friends.
At 8:00, Betty Wu, Joy and Peter all came here and we put everything in the car. Eileen’s mother was very nice and she wanted to give us a ride to the park.
On the way there, I could see the park form the car window and I told my friends Betty Wu said, “Wow! It’s beautiful and there are many trees in the park.” When the car stopped, everyone just took out the stuff and ran to the park.
We settled down everything and started to play ball. When Joy threw the ball to Eileen, she couldn’t get the ball. Because she was too short. The ball stuck in a tree. I wanted to help Eileen, but I didn’t know how to climb a tree. When I was thinking how to get the ball Peter came.
Peter climbed on the tree very quickly. When he found the ball, he saw something long and thick. He wanted to get that thing, but that thing was moving very quickly.
He didn’t know what the thing was. When he wanted to touch it again, the thing just looked at him. Peter shouted, “Oh, no! It’s a snake.” He was scared and he almost fell from the tree.
He wanted to get down from the tree quickly because he thought the snake wanted to bite him. He first threw the ball down to us, but he didn’t stand properly and he just fell down.
Luckily, he was fine. He was very lucky that the snake didn’t bite him. We played ball together until 4:00 and everyone started to clean up.
On the way home, Joy said she wanted to play more and she didn’t want to go home. I told her let’s come here again next time.
We went home at 6:00. Everyone was tired, but we were very happy. I hope I still can came to this beautiful park again with all my friend next time.

學生姓名:Emma Y.H. Chang (張詠涵)
指導老師:鄧駿傑 Jay

☆創作小書A組比賽 優等作品 ☆斗六分校,Joann C. Huang 黃喬


Winter, spring, summer, fall, I like spring best of all. Why? Because I am a slippery, slimy snake!
Although I am a snake, I am not a normal snake, I can change my form!
I can change into anything I want! Like a fish, a fox, a dog, a cat… … so many thing!
I can even become a person. Being a person is my favorite because people can do many things that animals can’t do.
I think I am more like a person than any other animal.
Tonight I want to go to the city to get some food to eat, so I change into a person.
In the night market I smelled some delicious smells and I saw lots of food.
“How can I get some food?” I thought. I don’t have any money to buy it … ….
Then, I had an idea!
I changed my form back to a snake.
I slid along the ground through the night market. When I took a piece of fried chicken, no-one saw.
When I grabbed some fresh fries, no-one noticed. Finally, when I took a piece of cake I slid and slithered back to my home.
Tonight I have a yummy dinner, I guess being a snake isn’t so bad after all!

學生姓名:Joann C. Huang (黃喬)
指導老師:Sian Eirwen Halloway 

☆創作小書A組比賽 優等作品 ☆東勢分校,Norman S.M. Chen 陳詩孟

 An adventure

Once upon a time, there was a man named Norman. He was twenty-five years old and he was brave. He lived with his family and felt happy every day.
One day, Norman went traveling in Egypt. When he got there, he saw a lot of pyramids and they were huge and beautiful. When he wanted to take some pictures, he saw something coming out from the pyramid. He was curious and he wanted to get a closer look.
When he got there, he saw a wizard. He knew that was a wizard because he saw a crystal floating between the man’s hands and he was floating in the sky, too. Then he heard him saying “This world will be mine and everyone will be my saves. If I can get all the power from this crystal, I can get everything I want.” Norman felt surprised, so he decided to follow him and see what was going on.
The man walked into the pyramid, so Norman quickly followed him. In the pyramid, he saw a statue of a Sacred Beetle. It was in the middle of the room and a crystal was held by the beetle. He knew that it was the same crystal that was floating between the wizard’s hands. So he went to the statue and took the crystal.
Suddenly, the whole room was shaking, Norman got scared. He thought he should put the crystal back, but the beetle statue was broken. The walls and the ceiling were falling, so he ran away as fast as he could. Luckily, he got to the entrance and went out of the scary pyramid.
But just as he was feeling safe, the wizard appeared behind him. The wizard tried to get the crystal back from Norman, but Norman knew that if the wizard got the crystal, it would be the end of the world.
Unfortunately, the wizard won. Then the wizard tied Norman’s hands and got the crystal black. When he was happy about it, the sunlight shone through the crystal and shot into the wizard’s eyes. His eyes got burned and he dropped the crystal. Norman got the crystal back and escaped from this terrible place.
After a few days, Norman went home and told the story to his mom. She was so happy that he was safe and she was surprised that there were wizards in this world.
When Norman went back to work and he thought everything became normal, something bad happened. He crashed his car and almost got killed. Then his house was almost on fire. That made him almost lose his parents!
He realized it was the crystal’s problem, so he threw it in the ocean and it was never see again.

學生姓名:Norman S.M. Chen (陳詩孟)
指導老師:鄧駿傑 Jay