2015年6月16日 星期二

☆創作小書B組比賽 優等作品 ☆斗六分校,Jocelyn H.F. Chuang 莊秀芳


Legend has it, crowd are reincarnated into phoenixes.
For ninety years, the must live peacefully and practice caring for forests.
They must also take a person’s soul, but that person must give it of their own free will.
Gienah was a child that grew up in a village beside the forest. She likes to walk in the forest because of the remote location.
While Gienah was walking through the forest, she saw a crow.
Gienah followed the crow through the forest.
Suddenly, Gienah fell off the cliff, hit her head and passed out.
The crow saw this and changed into human form and brought Gienah back to his house.
Gienah woke up and found herself in a log cabin.
Then a boy came in, he had beautiful black hair.
Gienah said curiously, “Excuse me?”
The boy didn’t answer. He tossed her a red coat.
The boy opened the door, so Gienah put on the coat quickly. She followed him to outside and saw it was snowing. The boy gave Gienah an umbrella and still said nothing.
“There” said the boy as he pointed to trail. Gienah was stunned for a moment and then came to understand it was the way back home.
Gienah thanked the boy and told him she wanted to see him again. He smiled and nodded.
There were friends for many years.
Finally, ninety years were up.
The boy told Gienah she needed to listen carefully.
He told Gienah about the legend of the crow and changed into a crow to prove it.
Gienah told the boy she will give him her soul because he is the most important person to her.
The boy took her soul and was reincarnated into Wulin, the phoenix.
Wulin hoped once Gienah is reincarnated, she will come find him.

學生姓名:Jocelyn H.F. Chuang (莊秀芳)
指導老師:蘇莉安 Leanne Sue Goodwin