2015年6月15日 星期一

☆看圖寫作A組比賽 特優作品 ☆彰化中央分校,Melody M.Y. Tsai 蔡孟妍

One morning, Bert was trying to sleep in. Ernie was playing his trumpet and Bert was getting very angry. Ernie didn’t notice Bert was angry because he was very happy. Ernie whispered in Bert’s ear, “Happy Birthday. Do you want to have a party?” Bert was surprised, “Really?” He asked. “I can have a party?” Ernie said, “Yes, I want to invite all our friends over, so we can have a party and you can sing, dance, and be happy.” They want to the party store to get ready and Bert was very happy.

學生姓名:Melody M.Y. Tsai (蔡孟妍)
指導老師:賴怡瑄 Michelle