2015年6月16日 星期二

☆創作小書B組比賽 特優作品 ☆斗六分校,Steven Y.B. Chen 陳義斌

The tail of the mouse

There was once a lonely old dog who nobody wanted. He would walk the streets, begging for food. His fur was dirty and he smelled bad, but his eyes were so friendly. All he wanted was a friend to love.
One day, while the fog was looking in a garbage can for some dinner, he heard a little noise. “Help! Help! Please someone help!” The fog looked around and saw a tiny mouse with big scared eyes, trapped under the garbage can.
“What happened to you?” said the dog. “a man put this can on my tail and now I can’t move!” said the mouse.
The dog pushed and pushed but he couldn’t move the can. “It’s too heavy!” said the dog. “Let me try something.”
The dog jumped up into the garbage can and began to pick put the garbage. He threw out old fish bones, slippery banana peels and rotten eggs. The smell so bad, people on the street were holding their noses.
Finally, all of the garbage was out of the garbage can. When the dog pushed it this time, it rolled over. The mouse was free! “Thank you! Thank you!” said the mouse.
The door next to the garbage can opened and an angry man came out. When he saw the mess, he screamed at the dog, “Get out of here, you naughty dog!”
The mouse jumped on to the dogs head and they ran away as fast as they could.
When they were safe, the mouse said “How can I thank you, dog?” “Will you be my friend?” he asked quietly. From that day on, they were best friends. The dog was never lonely again.

學生姓名:Steven Y.B. Chen (陳義斌)
指導老師:Sian Eirewn Halloway
